Grand Island Lions Board Meeting Minutes 2022

Board of Directors meeting:March 9th 2022
 Since no further business,
meeting adjourned at 8:26 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Paul Bassette, Temporary Acting Recording Secretary


Grand Island Lion Club Board Meeting
April 13, 2022

Attendance: 9 Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski,
Tom Rusert, Jim Ryan, Shelia Ferrentino, Paul Bassette, Paul
Krupa, Donna Lavallee
Called to order 8:37 PM
No action items discussed.
Meeting adjourned: all in favor 8:39


Grand Island Lion Club Board Meeting
May 11, 2022

Attendance: 9 Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski,
Tom Rusert, Jim Ryan, Shelia Ferrentino, Paul Bassette, Paul
Krupa, Donna Lavallee
Called to order 8:37 PM
No action items discussed.
Meeting adjourned: all in favor 8:39


Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors Meeting August 31, 2022

Attendance: (9 in attendance) Paul Bassette, Henry Lobl, Dick Crawford, Tom Witkowski, Jim Ryan, Anne Fahning, Kelly McGarvey, Dave Chervinsky, Donna Lavallee

Lion President Dick Crawford. called the meeting to order at 6:40PM.

Items for discussion and Committee reports:

•    Peace poster 4 of the 5 posters have been framed and will hang in the Grand Island Library
•    White Cane $3502.50 and a small amount of additional Canadian money. Great job everyone and a special thanks to Lion Anne Fahning for coordinating. We will publish a “thank you to the community” in the NF Publications and special thanks to Tops for hosting. We could look into getting Apple pay or square to help with donations for those who do not carry cash.  Discussion on possibly purchasing new A frame signs that could be used for White cane and other Lion events
•    Budget:  Lion Anne; minor changes 1. $500 to KOC for room rental instead of $300. There is a chance, however, that the building will be sold and it is likely we will not be at the KOC and maybe at the High school or Elldens at River Oaks. 2. Line item $400 towards members picnic; change to match the quote of $475. The budget will be changed to $475.  Clarification of budget items:  Lion Jim R, would like to add a line into the Welfare fund to cover the startup costs of the 501 C3.  The corporation will be for the welfare fund so the monies will be taken from the Welfare Fund. Cost is $250 if we set up the online account and $75 for NYS to start the corporation, legal zoom $99. These are one-time fees. We will add a line in the welfare budget for $1000 to cover costs.  There may be legal fees, Motion to accept the budget as amended. Lion Anne, seconded by Lion Kelly. All in favor, motion passed.
•    Review of 501 C3 guidelines: Lion Jim: Consideration of becoming a 501.C3 for the Welfare Fund and continue to be a 501C4 for the General fund. Currently we are a 501.C4 for both funds where the members are personally liable for anything that the Lions club does.  If we switch to 501C3 the corporation is liable, not individual members.  Additionally, we can apply for grants from other corporations who support 501C3, i.e. Home Depot for supplies to build a ramp.  We can apply for Amazon smile revenue, there are requirements that we make our records and accounts public should someone ask.  Lion Jim will start the process for us if this is voted in.  He has a good understanding of the necessary steps. Donations will also be tax deductible if we are a 501C3. LCI also has a service to assist in this process, however, we do not know the cost.  LCI requires a board approval and a member approval, we need a 51% approval from the general membership.  Motion:  To have a resolution to move forward for the 501C3 for the Grand Island NY Lions Charity Inc. Seconded by Lion Henry. Roll call vote: Lion Dick Crawford Aye, Lion Tom Witkowski Aye, Lion Henry Lobl Aye, Lion Paul Bassette Aye, Lion Jim Ryan Aye, Lion Kelly McGarvey, Aye Lion Donna Lavallee, Aye. Motion passed. This will be taken forward to the general membership at the first meeting and we will vote on this at the second meeting.  Lion Dick will call Lion Mark Frentzel to see if would be willing to assist the club legally. Lion Jim is available to answer any questions that Lion Mark may have.
•    Treasurers Report: Distributed to members, funds were reviewed from General and Welfare Funds. There are a few outstanding uncashed checks. Motion to accept the TR: Lion Donna seconded by Lion Paul. Roll call:  all in favor.  Motion passed.
•    Committees:  Lion Dick will send the committee list out to the board. Motion Lion Dick to add Lion Dave as membership chair to make him a voting member of the board, seconded by Lion Anne.  Roll call: all in favor.
•    Antique Boat Show:  They have offered the club a table at the show to promote Lions. Lion Jim will send a request to see if we have enough availability to man the table. The event is 9/17/22 from 10-4 PM.
•    Correspondence: Lion Jim:
o    Thank you notes from Dilly Dally (clown at Kids Picnic), Young Life, Mary Cooke
o    Request: National Child Safety Council Erie County Sheriff’s office. They provide safety education material for elementary aged children. Their cost is $3/child, requesting $102 to cover 30 children. Motion by Lion Henry to make a donation, seconded by Lion Kelly, no discussion. Roll Call: all in favor.  Motion passed.  
o    Invitation for Dining in the Dark for VIA tickets $125 September 15. Members who are interested contact Lion Jim.  
o    Lion Dick received an email from Morgan Proctor requesting a donation to be a Baton ambassador to Peru. She was selected to be 1 of 10 from the USA.  The festival is a Lions Club activity in Peru. Motion:  Lion Dick to make a donation for up to $150 to sponsor Morgan.  Discussion.  Lion Tom will check on the donation that we gave her sister Miranda.  Motion seconded by: Lion Paul. Roll call: all in favor, motion passed.
•    Old Business: none
•    New Business: First meeting site to be determined. Meeting date 9/14/22 we will have an honored guest. We can bring catered food and beverages. Lion Anne Fahning will be announcing the guest.  There will be an email going to membership with the details.
•    Calendar: Lion Dick, Lion Jim and Lion Kelly will get together to set the calendar for 2022 and 2023. So far dates are as follows:
o    9/14, 9/28, 10/12, 10/26, 11/9 (DG meeting @ Moose Lodge and possible Merritton, 12/14 Christmas party. Other calendar dates will be set and sent to membership.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Dick, seconded by Lion Dave:  Meeting adjourned: 7:49 PM

Submitted, Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting
September 28, 2022

Meeting called to order at 8:09 PM

11 in Attendance   LP Dick Crawford, Lion Tom Rusert, Lion Henry, Lion Kelly McGarvey, Lion Jim Ryan, Lion Paul Bassette, Lion Shelia Ferrentino, Lion Dave Chervinsky, Lion Donna Lavallee, Raquel Potenzo, Jenny Bagan

New member application Jenny Bagan, sponsor PID Bill Iannaccone. Motion to accept the nomination: Lion Henry, Seconded Lion Shelia, all in favor, motion passed.

Proposal for Uplinger award:  Mike Maio and Drew Dulak. The need to purchase through NYS Bermuda Foundation, we could award 2 awards.  The Uplinger committee will go through the process of nominations and vote.  Lion Tom Rusert thought that it would be nice to award Mike Maio prior to the spaghetti dinner. Lion Paul will send an email to the committee.  Lion Jim Ryan, made a motion that we spend $600 for Uplinger awards, seconded by Lion Paul.  Further discussion, all in favor, none opposed.  Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn: Lion Kelly, Lion Jim, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned
8:23 PM, next meeting October 12, 2022

Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors Meeting November 9th 2022

Attendance: (9) LP Dick, Tom R, Anne F, Jim R, Shelia, Dave, Tom, Kelly, Donna

Discussion on Spaghetti Dinner; possibility of having the dinner at River Oaks. River Oaks seats 165, with 2 seatings and take out. Committee to go negotiate Dick, Anne, Kelly, Shelia.  Lion Dick will get together a list and email to BOD. Committee will meet with Diane at River Oaks.

Item for discussion:  Donations for Lion Tom Butler or a memorial or tree planting.  LP Dick will get ideas from the Town Parks department

Tickets were purchased for 1 Uplinger award and we already have a second.

Motion to adjourn:  Lion Dave seconded by Lion Jim. Meeting adjourned 8:3 8PM

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
